After that you can open a resulting file by using zip, WinZip, WinRar, 7-Zip and any other unarchiver capable of opening JAR or ZIP file. APK is already a file in JAR/ZIP format and to “convert” it you just need to change its extension to JAR or ZIP. It is possible to convert APK to ZIP or JAR files but this conversion is not a conversion per se. All major mobile software vendors typically provide both Android and iOS versions of their mobile apps.

If you need to run a certain Android application on iOS device the best way to do it would be to find an iOS alternative of the app and download it from Apple App Store. Follow the instructions in “Mac OS and Windows OS” chapter of our How to Install APK file article in order to run APK file on Windows or Mac OS device. To run APK file on Windows and Mac OS you can use Google Chrome Arc Welder extension available from Chrome Web Store. But it is still possible to execute significant number of Android APK files on Windows and Mac OS platforms. You cannot convert APK file to EXE for Windows OS or to IPA file for iOS. That is why they could not be directly converted into file which can be executed on another operating system. APK files are specifically designed to be executed within environment of devices running Android operating system.